Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A little game of 21

I'm sad to say that I don't have any pictures of it, but me, PeeWee, and Mike played a little game of 21 while we were in Utah this past weekend. If you've seen his blog then you've seen the before and after pictures of Mike and all the weight he's lost. http://the-smith-6.blogspot.com/ We can't be more proud of him and all the hard work he's put into getting into the shape he's in. I've got no problems being the big brother.
Anyway, back to 21. When playing with Mike, he's always been a wall. You just have to play a certain way with him because you can't move him. Well, 200 pounds later, it's a lot easier to move him. We still run into him the same way, only now he gets pushed out of the way. Or he flies out of the way when you give him a little hip-check. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard as I did when I backed him down in the post, spun into him, and he went flying backwards onto his butt. Amy said he complained about his right butt cheeck hurting the next morning.
My "little" brother can run circles around me now. He's in better shape than I could ever hope to be. But I like being able to give him a little hip-check now and it actually work!


momchambers said...

I love it, that you are now the official big brother and that Mike can get hip checked out of the way. I am glad you guys got to spend time together, love ya!!

Mike said...

My butt cheek still hurts.

Heather's Blog said...

What? You had twins?? I'm so lost. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I can't believe I didn't know you had twins. They are precious. I need to see some pictures of you too. Keep updating.