Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Years Eve at Temple Square

On New Year's Eve we made a trek to Utah to go to Temple Square and see the lights. PeeWee and Jen had never been, so we thought it would be fun. We caught the light rail from Roy into Salt Lake City. We got the time of the train wrong, so we were at the station a little longer than we wanted to be. And let me tell you how cold it was that night!

Jakob just loves waiting for the train in the cold!

PeeWee actually likes waiting in the cold for the train.

Jen and Kaiya, not so much.

Somehow Roscoe got out of the house with no socks on in the freezing cold.

I gave Mike the "Dad of the Year" award for that one.

Mike was a little startled to learn that his hair line is very similar to PeeWee's.

PeeWee getting little Kaiya ready for the cold.

I haven't been to Temple Square since the reflection pool had been put in.
It was very pretty with Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.

My boy is getting really big really fast.

Dad and Jakob enjoying the cold.

Mike and Roscoe. We found some socks for him, so he was OK.


momchambers said...

Thanks for posting those pics, I wish we could have been there. I sure do miss you guys and I now maybe Pee Wee won't have such a complex about his hair and now Mike will have one.

Mike said...

Don't worry, I will never have a complex about my hair (I'm too pretty). It was a lot of fun, thanks for coming down.
And Roscoe is always checked, and double checked for socks now, thanks.

Peterson Pack of Wild Dogs said...

Great pictures of temple square! When did PeeWee grow facial hair and what's up with the matching hairlines??? Ben, I want to see yours!