Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas has come and gone. I can't believe it has gone so fast. This year we had PeeWee, Jen, and Kaiya for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Let me say how nice it is to have family over for Christmas. There's nothing like spending the Holidays with those you love.

I told Santa not to bring too much stuff for Connor and Bridger's first Christmas, they aren't going to remember it anyways. Do you think Santa listened? Heck no! They opened MAYBE two presents and were so intrigued by them that there are still presents under the tree for them. I'm pretty sure I'm going to re-wrap them as birthday presents for them.

My stomach still hasn't recovered from all the food we ate over Christmas. Erin made more food than a small army could possibly consume. But let me tell you how good everything was!

I hope everyone had an excellent Christmas, because we sure did in the Smith house this year.

These balls lit up and kept the boys busy for the rest of the day. They didn't even care about the other presents.

Connor just chillin'

Bridger with his new "cheesy" grin

Jakob's big stuff was a Wii, that Nerf machine gun that is way to big for this house, and an MP3 player that he has filled with his dad's Metallica, Poison, Van Halen, etc.

I'm pretty sure a demon got into Bridger for this one

Kaiya's first Christmas (PeeWee and Jen's baby for those that don't know)

Erin enjoying some Duck Hunt on the Wii

The Aftermath

1 comment:

Peterson Pack of Wild Dogs said...

The aftermath of a fun holiday is never near as fun as the holiday itself!