Friday, December 12, 2008

Parent Teacher Conference

Jakob's parent teacher conference was a little while ago, but I keep forgetting to write down something that his teahcer told us that made me laugh pretty good.
Mr. Kennedy has the students in groups of 4 in the class. He has them compete with their school work to see who gets to line up for lunch first, or recess, etc. Jakob had told us this before, but only to complain, because he was in a group with 3 girls that weren't "competitive" enough for him. His group always finished last. Nothing made Jakob more furious. If there's one thing he got from his dad, it is that he wants to win, no matter what it is.
Not long ago the groups got changed. Jakob was so excited. His group started to win. He couldn't be happier.
Now this is Mr. Kennedy telling us this next part a p/t conference. He said one day Jakob was arguing with one of the girls in his old group. The girl was mad at him, couldn't think of anything else and called him "stupid." Without hesitation (and his teacher told us this with a smile, because he thought it was funny and true to a point) Jakob said "No, YOU'RE stupid, because when I was in your group you always asked ME for the answers because you didn't know!"
At least Mr. Kennedy told us with a smile.

1 comment:

momchambers said...

He's gonna love that story when he is older and he is exactly like his father, always wants to win, but I am very glad that he sticks up for himself!